We are a manufacture and exporter of appliance parts, mechanical, electrical and electronic, and have been serving the industries since 1991. Our part are for home appliances such as no frost refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, etc and are used by major appliance manufacturers in korea and overseas. Our parts are also for importers in after markets around the world. We supply parts for Korean and Janpanese appliances. Some of our parts are universal that they can be used in American and European appliances Our manufacturing capability with the support from the back up factories enables us to supply the discontinued or obsolete parts at competitive prices. We are able and willing to supply single component or assemblies of parts machined, cold forged, plastic injected, pressed or such parts as sintered metals.<p>
회원 가입일 |
2002/04/22 (년/월/일) |
역할 구분 |
판매상 |
사업형태 |
제조업체 |
설립년도 |
1999 |
총 종업원수 |
11 - 50 |
연간매출 |
USD 1,000,001 - 2,000,000 |
[ 연락처 정보 ] |
회사명 |
(주)제퍼산업 |
주소 |
경기도 안양시 동안구 관양동 1488-39 창덕에버빌 408호 (우:431-809) 한국 |
전화번호 |
82 - 31 - 4261111 |
팩스번호 |
82 - 31 - 4252580 |
홈페이지 |
www.ec21.com/zephyrco |
담당자 |
최 정 배 / 이사 |
Copyright(c) Zephyr Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Tel : 82-31-426-1111 Fax : 82-31-425-2580 |